Wednesday, October 12, 2011


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photos: Just Jared

I am really loving Elizabeth Olsen lately. She's clearly gorgeous, but I also can't help but wonder how tall she is. Next to her sisters she looks my height (5'10) but this also could be a "Kardashian Situation" which makes her like Khloe, who in photos appears ogre-like, but in reality only does comparatively to her freakish, miniature sisters.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

October FOURTH





I was literally in the process of photoshopping these exact four photos I retrieved from the internet to blog about my love for Miranda Kerr's classic, French-like style, but then I realized Studded Hearts beat me to it. So I decided to just post them anyway because my four readers probably wouldn't know the difference.

She's so chic and I just love her cute, perfect little family and their ability to take the most perfect pictures while running from paparazzi in the airport.

I'm currently listening to the new album Siberia by Lights. I actually BOUGHT it this morning, which is strange because I'm known to steal all my music. It's actually pretty decent and different from her other stuff. I like the rap interludes and that she sings about cacti in the valley. But I am from Arizona and like rap so I might be biased.