Monday, July 13, 2009


It took me 22 years to finally come to this life-altering conclusion: Boys are freaking crazy, stubborn and impossible to read, yet they still drive us [girls] crazy. Don’t get me wrong; boys are super fun, but often to a certain extent. However, life just wouldn’t be as exciting if you didn’t have that one special crush that either loves you back---or crushes you.

And if a ten-ton truck kills the both of us to die by your side, well, the pleasure the privilege is mine.

-The Smiths.

In honor of my current state-of-mind, here are in my opinion, some really cool, independent women that dress amazingly.(In no particular order)

Taylor Momsen
Kate Moss
Jessica Stam

Erin Wasson
Daisy Lowe
Marion Cotillard


Ms. Sassy to You! said...

I love it and I totally agree!

StaceyRay said...

I love what you wrote here - so, so true!! :)