Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Brand New Eyes

In honor of the release of Paramore's new album Brand New Eyes....I thought I would criticize Hayley William's style a little.

The girl is adorable and very unique, however she consistently seems to fail in the fashion department. Yes, she has the rocker style going for her but she just seems to be slightly off with each trend she attempts. For instance, below she's going for the menswear look and animal print. There's just something about the way she puts clothes together that take away from her femininity. Odd because she is so petite and cute.

Regardless, I still love her and her music so maybe she can just hire me to be her personal stylist one day!

photo: stardoll-fashion-fix.blogspot.com

1 comment:

somethingerika said...

I think her orange hair is the only thing she has going for her. She needs your help pronto.