Friday, July 17, 2009

Schooooool's out FOR--EVER

So far my summer has been ridiculous amounts of fun. I do feel somewhat guilty for going out every night and sleeping in until noon, but that's what summers are all about. Right?

I'm still continuing the job search and since I can't find anything in my direct profession, I've resorted to picking up another part-time job here in town. I feel like retail would be a good choice considering clothes are my life and in retail you get discounts. So... my plan: pick my favorite store to shop at and apply there. I see either American Apparel or Urban Outfitters in my future.

Plus, I've always dreamed of owning my own vintage/boutique one day so it would be beneficial for me to learn the ins and outs of retail. Enjoy the day and my latest collage!

If I were a Boy

Balmain Motocross pants, Alexander Wang denim jacket, Acne button down, Rag & Bone sleeveless blazer, Dr. Martens, Refinery 29 Oxfords, Maria Francesca gold and silver ring, studded bangle


Velo said...

wow, those stuffs are cool!
i love ur header =D

Ms. Sassy to You! said...

So my good friend up here in seattle wants to be in fashion and has worked at urban outfitters, funny huh? Well I remember her telling me that somehow she got a hold of corporate, told them what she wanted to do and they set up like an internship thing for her at her store location. She got a lot of experience and said it was crazy fun...Just a thought, might help you out.